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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer with us to be involved with local community, build skills, and meet new people. We welcome volunteers to help with garden projects and maintenance, outreach and community events.  City Market members  can earn store discounts!

  • Garden Maintenance: Help with special projects, general weeding & mulching, or harvesting and clean up during the season (April through November).  Let us know where you are and what your availability is – we’ll match you to a garden in need.
  •  Committee Work: Join our Events or Programs Committee to help with outreach and fundraising across the state.  
  • Board of Directors: Board members join the leadership team throughout the year as openings occur; terms are three years and renewable by one year or another full term.  Check here for information about current opportunities on our Board. 

How do I sign up?

  1. Email with your interest or questions about an upcoming event  
  2. For Garden Maintenance: We’ll add you to our list and email opportunities every few weeks
  3. For Event, Committee or BOD work: We’ll email details and set time to chat about current activities
We believe in the power of people growing food (and volunteering) together to strengthen food security and build community.  

Thanks you to our 250+ volunteers who give more than 1,200 hours each year!  We are also grateful to be a City Market Community Outreach Partner – we welcome members and report hours for their member worker program.