Co-op Victory Garden

The Co-op Victory Garden is a collaboration between VCGN and *Skinny Pancake’s ShiftMeals GrowTeams program. The garden is located within the Tommy Thompson Community Garden, at the Intervale, in Burlington.  A variety of vegetables, culinary & medicinal herbs, cutting flowers, and small fruits are grown by and for co-op members. The Vermont Community Garden Network manages the program with the goal of establishing a living example of a collectively tended garden where intensive growing techniques, shared resources, and a mentorship program empower a group of people to grow a lot of food on a small plot of land.  Many hands make light work and we enjoy gardening in community! 

The Co-op Victory Garden welcomes members to join for the full growing season, from May to October. Experiencing the garden landscape and engaging in hands-on activities from spring to autumn will immerse members in all aspects of establishing and maintaining a thriving organic garden.

All co-op members commit to a 2-hour long weekly garden shift to participate in hands-on activities such as watering, weeding, pruning, transplanting, and anything else the garden needs.  

Weekly garden shifts are scheduled during morning and evening hours.  All co-op members must be able to commit to at least one of these weekly garden shifts:

  • Mondays: 10am-12pm   
  • Tuesdays: 9am-11am   
  • Thursdays: 4-6pm   
  • Fridays: 5-7pm

Co-op members commit an additional 1-2 hours per month on a flexible schedule for activities such as shed inventories, cleaning tools, watering on weekends, hosting a garden tour, dropping off harvest donations, and various other garden projects. 

All co-op members work in exchange for seasonal garden harvest. 

Members are also invited to monthly make-and-take workshops in food preservation and herbalism to learn how to process garden harvest to stock their pantry and medicine cabinet.

For more information contact: carolina (at)

*For more information on the other four ShiftMeals GrowTeams sites in locations across Vermont visit:

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