
This project materializes a new partnership between Vermont Garden Network and City of Winooski. We extend much gratitude to the grant support from Vermont Foodbank and to the contractors at Vine Ripe for making this dream a reality.

Here is a little background on the greenhouse structure: Julie from Red Wagon Plants, in partnership with New Farms for New Americans, were the first to erect the greenhouse structure at the O’Brien Center in Winooski almost a decade ago. A few years later, NFNA passed along the greenhouse management to the City of Winooski, and for several years it functioned as a community greenhouse where residents rented table space for starting their seeds. Consecutive years of vandalism to the greenhouse structure and property theft forced the City of Winooski to close down the greenhouse.

In spring of 2024 stars aligned and the City of Winooski reached out to VGN after hearing that we were searching for a location to build a greenhouse. We met with VineRipe and defined what it would take, logistically and financially, to relocate and reskin the greenhouse. A heroic group of volunteers and staff cleaned up the site at the O’Brien Center in preparation for the big move.

In early June, a tarp was laid down to mark the footprint of the new greenhouse at the Landry Park Community Gardens, adjacent to the Myers Memorial Pool and Offbeat Creemee. We could not have imagined a more ideal location! By mid August, the greenhouse had been reassembled and skinned with new plastic. The City of Winooski is working hard to connect electricity to power the vents and to install propane for the heater.

The greenhouse grand opening will be in March 2025. We’ll be seed starting 6,000+ plants, including many culturally meaningful crops, for our garden programming in central Vermont. We’ll also be demonstrating season extension (overwintering greens, perhaps growing ginger and turmeric, seed saving from biennials, so many options!), offering a series of community workshops and highlighting climate resiliency practices for garden-scale growers.

Growing thousands of plants for our garden community will only be possible with support from our community. Various contractors, electricians, volunteers, consultants, and many farmer friends have advised this project. We invite YOU to help us GROW by contributing to our Annual Fund.

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