Want to start a Workplace Garden?
First season tips from employee gardeners By Libby Weiland, Statewide Network Coordinator In its fourth year, VCGN’s Green Thumbs at Work grant program provides funding and technical assistance to support the development and sustainability of employee gardens at small workplaces across Vermont. Our grantees this year include a local pizza parlor, a statewide solar business, […]
New Ideas for Your Garden
From Carolina Lukac, Garden Education Manager & Libby Weiland, Statewide Network Coordinator
Toolshed Tips: Invite Community into Your Garden
A Special Invitation While your garden is still in its full glory, send a special invite to neighbors, volunteers, teachers, parents, donors, local officials and other current or potential stakeholders to come see your garden at its best. This is a great way to thank the people who have made contributions and inspire new partnerships […]