Observations on Flood Tolerant Food Crops

In a recent Instagram post, we reflected on our observations from our late summer gardens that survived the July flood, torrential downpours, extreme heat, and the accompanying pest and disease pressure that gardens are experiencing with a changing climate. As we walk through fields and gardens where VGN programs persevere despite the weather and pivot […]

Garden Like a Farmer

The 2024  workshop series will offer techniques, tips and tools for small-scale gardeners to mitigate and adapt to climate change through nature-based solutions. Workshops take place at farms and community gardens around Burlington. We’ve partnered with the Intervale Center to organize the series and we are pleased to offer these workshops FREE and open to everyone, made possible by […]

Green up the Grey – Grow Microgreens this Winter!

Temps are low and mountains are covered in snow! For many of us gardeners, winter is a time for rest, reflection, and for planning the season ahead. Any growth at this time of year is usually from within ourselves – unless one partakes in growing microgreens! Whether you have a full grow light setup in […]

Seed Saving & Garlic Planting

Join us for our last hands-on workshop of the season!  Free!  At the Intervale! Seed Saving & Garlic Planting – Thursday, October 5, 5-6:30pm – Join us to learn about two end-of-season practices we are passionate about – saving seeds and planting garlic!  We will reflect on the beauty and abundance of seeds as we […]

Seedsongers at Shelburne Farms!

Members of our Seedsong Collective Garden lost their entire garden during the July flood at the Intervale in Burlington.  Amidst the sorrow and uncertainty of next steps in the flood recovery process, we received a generous invitation from a former graduate and board member.  Casey participated in VGN’s Thriving Gardens Course in 2017 and later […]

MEMBERS GROW WITH US – 2023 Membership Campaign

Our virtual gathering with Charlie Nardozzi has been postponed to the third week of August. Please stay tuned for details on the specific date/time. — We have an exciting new project on the horizon and need your support to achieve the final steps! With 200 new members we can create a growing & learning space […]

Mobile Classroom – We now travel around the state!

The VGN’s Mobile Classroom (affectionately known internally as the Veducator) is a new initiative to engage community members of all ages in the importance of additional fruit and vegetable intake in their daily diets and increase climate resiliency through gardening. The Mobile Classroom is a retrofitted van that has an induction stove kitchenette, an awning, […]

Ode to the Gardening Seniors

by Grace Morrissey, VGN Garden Education Intern So much has been growing in our senior gardens as spring has slowly turned to summer. Both plants and people have begun to flourish in the warm weather. Over the past few weeks we’ve been busy filling up the garden plots, planting seeds and starts of all varieties; […]

Growing Together at Beacon Apartments

I’m Sharon Newman, Garden Coordinator for Chittenden County affordable housing, a partnership between VGN and Champlain Housing Trust (CHT). One site I have spent a lot of time at this season is Beacon, permanent housing for homeless residents, located in South Burlington. Back in March, as I did my pre-season check in, I noticed that the winter […]

Vermont Fruit & Nut Tree Grant 2022

The Vermont Fruit & Nut Tree Grant focuses on increasing access to fruit and nut trees through plantings and related education at select community garden sites across the state. 

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