The VGN’s Mobile Classroom (affectionately known internally as the Veducator) is a new initiative to engage community members of all ages in the importance of additional fruit and vegetable intake in their daily diets and increase climate resiliency through gardening. The Mobile Classroom is a retrofitted van that has an induction stove kitchenette, an awning, […]
Ode to the Gardening Seniors
by Grace Morrissey, VGN Garden Education Intern So much has been growing in our senior gardens as spring has slowly turned to summer. Both plants and people have begun to flourish in the warm weather. Over the past few weeks we’ve been busy filling up the garden plots, planting seeds and starts of all varieties; […]
Vermont Fruit & Nut Tree Grant 2022
Join us for VGN’s Snowshoe Winter Walk!
Join us for Vermont Garden Network’s first ever Snowshoe Winter Walk! The walk will take place on February 13th from 1-3pm at Catamount Outdoor Family Center and will consist of a family-friendly 2k loop and other fun activities, at the end of which prizes for most funds raised, silliest hat, and best team name will […]
Collective Gardening: Winter Community of Practice
In 2022 we are diving into the unique model of community-based gardening called “collective gardening.” Visit our Collective Gardening page for upcoming opportunities and resources for people organizing these communities. Coming up: Collective Gardening Community of PracticeWinter Online Gathering: Feb 16th This community of practice (COP) is a conversation space for people involved or interested […]
Gardening as Food Sovereignty: My experience as summer intern with VCGN
by Liza Greene Hello! My name is Liza Greene and this summer I was the SHECP Garden Education and Food Access Intern for the Vermont Community Garden Network. I first learned about VCGN through a nationwide program that my college partners with called the Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty (SHECP). Through collaborating with universities […]
The Homestead
A special raffle – Win a beautiful framed acrylic painting from Vermont artist Michael Strauss! Ethan Allen Homestead is a special place for gardeners and nature-lovers of all walks, and this piece (measuring 21″ X 25″) captures the vibrancy there. Raffle tickets are $20, and all proceeds will support our new Mobile Classroom and Resource […]
Vermont Garden Tour 2021
Join us throughout August and September as we feature Open Houses at community gardens across the state. These spaces nourish our families and neighbors, and also become outdoor classrooms, artistic displays, collaborative food donation projects and gathering spots to connect people within communities… all with stories and knowledge to share! Open Houses are family friendly, […]
Community Garden Irrigation
Water is always at the top of a gardener’s list of concerns, but with drought and heat unusual to Vermont’s gardening season the question of how to get enough water to thirsty plants has been particularly salient. Old systems that gardens put up with in milder years are no longer cutting it. Community gardeners have […]