The Seven Sisters of Abenaki Indigenous Agriculture

One of the recurring themes during my first season gardening in Vermont has been seeds – where seeds originally come from and how to honor the sacredness of life within a seed when seeds are so abundant and readily available in Vermont.  Last month I went to a workshop on northeastern indigenous crops hosted by […]

Toolshed Tips: Cooking in the Garden

Cooking in the Garden

Toolshed Tips: Share the Bounty

By Libby Weiland, Statewide Network Coordinator Your August Tip: What better way to celebrate this time of abundance than to share the bounty! Whether it’s swapping plentiful veggies with fellow gardeners, sharing tasty treats with neighbors and friends, or giving a portion of your produce to a local food shelf or community kitchen—sharing the harvest […]

Toolshed Tips: Garden Education Opportunities

By Libby Weiland Your July Tip: Providing educational opportunities at your garden can build gardeners’ confidence and skills, and deepen their interest in gardening, ultimately increasing the likelihood that they’ll stick with gardening throughout the season. If the idea of adding “organize workshop” to your list of things to do this summer seems daunting, here […]

Toolshed Tips: Garden Communications

By Libby Weiland Your May Tip: Before the season’s in full swing at your garden, make sure there are systems in place for communicating information, ideas, and concerns with and among those involved with the garden (i.e. gardeners, volunteers, teachers, students). To assess your garden’s communications, start with some basic questions: How does your group […]

Toolshed Tips: Maintaining Shared Spaces

By Libby Weiland Your April Tip: The days are approaching when your community or school garden will transition from dream to reality—buzzing with people, plants, and other life! By now you should already have an idea of the basic structure of your garden—whether the beds will be individually or communally maintained. However, every garden has […]

Toolshed Tips: Grow Your Network of Support

By Libby Weiland Your March tip:  As you get ready for a new season in your community or school garden, it’s useful to think about who’s involved, what they have to offer, and any additional support you’ll need to pull off another successful year. Start by asking yourself: Who makes our garden run? Grab a […]

Toolshed Tips: Garden Application Packet

By Libby Weiland Your February tip:  Many New England gardeners mark February on their calendars as a time to cozy up with favorite seed catalogs and begin planning what to grow in the garden this year. For community and school garden leaders it’s also time to prepare for all the people who will be growing […]

Toolshed Tips: Season Wrap-up Report

By Libby Weiland Your November Tip: While it’s still fresh on your mind, take the time to pull together reflections on the garden season and ideas for the future.  A season wrap-up report will provide you with record of what happened in your garden, fodder for funders and other supporters, ready-to-go promotional content, and a […]

Toolshed Tips: Fall Activities

By Libby Weiland, Program Coordinator Your October Tip: The season has arrived when our gardens begin to slow down. As we move indoors for warmth, preserving, and feasting on the bountiful harvest from the last month, let us not forget what remains in the remnants of our fall gardens. How do we transition from the […]

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